What Is The Difference: Editing And Proofreading Service?


What Is The Difference: Editing And Proofreading Service?

          When applying for online assistance you need to be certain what service do you need. It is important for you and your expert to ensure you know the difference between editing and proofreading. In the previous article we spoke about Types Of Paper Proofreading and Editing Services. Now, let’s talk about their distinctions.

          People usually consider Proofreading and Editing to be the same thing. Actually, it is not true.  Are you seeking out an expert to refine the flow and style of your writing, or do you just need an editor to put your commas in the right places?

          Professional Editors ensure that after a document has been written and edited, it still needs to be proofread.

          An editor usually works with individual style, word flow. He may add or delete some excerpts in your test for better flow.  If you want someone to correct your grammar and punctuation mistakes, you need to proofread your paper.  

          To clear things up, we will explain the differences between editing and proofreading services.


          If you order Editing services, you will work with a professional editor who will re-read and improve the quality of your text, its flow and all possible mistakes. This person is able to add or delete some excerpts of the text. An expert will do his best to eliminate every single mistake in your text, however the main goal of an editor is to make sure that your manuscript makes sense.  


          The process of proofreading is a final part of writing. Usually, proofreading is made after the text was edited. It is a part when you make sure that your paper contains no mistakes at all. Usually, proofreading means checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, typos and wordiness.

          For thorough and profound proofreading, you should better apply to professional proofreading and editing services online. I will definitely help you to polish your written text if you are not sure in your English language knowledge or if you are an international student.
If you order proofreading editing services, you will receive a Word Doc file with track changes. It is made to show you what exactly was corrected.

          While looking for an editing and proofreading service, make sure that this company is reliable and popular among students. It will relieve you from being cheated by fraudulent services. Your proofreader should be well-experienced, talented, attentive, literate, intelligent and expert in his field of study.

          To sum up, let us make a brief conclusion about editor’s and proofreader’s duties:

-An editor can paraphrase a text and check paragraphs for flow;

-An editor can rewrite the text and make it more coherent and clear;

-An editor improves your text using his knowledge;

-A proofreader check spelling, typos, grammar errors, punctuation;

          Now, when you know main obligations of each type of professional, you have all chances to find a real expert in editing.

          Personally, I have found my favorite and secure company long ago. Now I do not have any problems with preparing my articles for publication. If you are interested in working with professionals – CONTACT CleverEditor.com in Chat and Support Representatives will answer all your questions.